You will want and need a paper map to get out of most state parks, GPS may get you in, but the connection will be poor when you try to leave if you are using your car or phone GPS
Summers in Indiana are humid, and buggy plan accordingly, bug spray, water, appropriate clothing
Always wear a hat when hiking in Indiana, especially southern Indiana, it will protect you from ticks getting in your hair, and also to protect your face from the sun ☀️
Always look up the map before hand and have a digital or printed copy just in case there are none at the park you are going to or if they run out, I've had both happen.
2 people bathroom sign on a map usually means it's a real bathroom, anything else is a port-a-potty
Also when talking about bathrooms, most bathrooms or outhouses are locked/closed during the winter months in Indiana, I assume it's similar for other cold weather states as well
Do not drink from any clean looking water source without a way to purify the water, Indiana is known for its wildlife, which also means you’re not the only one using that water source, so keep that in mind, waterborne illnesses are no joke, take that from someone who drank the water
On that note, I would always recommend carrying water with you especially a lot during the summers in Indiana, I found my small backpack with a water bladder in it to be ideal for these hikes
Waterproof boots are a must and water resistant and waterproof are not the same thing
Until Next Time,
