...just an everyday girl seeing the world...
This is list of the current state park challenges found throughout the Indiana State Parks
7 Vista Challenge (Brown County State Park)
Hour by car, 2 hours by bike
Find brochure online
Visit all 7 vista points marked with frames set up to take pictures with
Receive sticker or purchase shirt at Abe Martin Lodge or Nature Center
New Years Hike (Jan 1st every year at participating parks)
Get out to a state park near by on the first day of the year
State park has New Years resolutions posted around the park, take a picture with one that fits you
3 Dunes Challenge (Indiana Dunes State Park)
1.5 miles
Hike the trail with the 3 tallest dunes in the park
Take a picture on top of the dunes and post it to social media with the hashtag #3DuneChallenge
Receive free stickers or purchase a t-shirt at the visitors center upon completion
Hell's Point Challenge (Pokagon State Park)
8 Miles
Pick up map at nature center
Take pictures of the designated points along the trail
Return to nature center for sticker
4 Falls Challenge (Clifty Falls State Park)
4 miles
Pick up challenge map at nature center or Clifty Inn
Take pictures of the 4 falls in addition to a few other viewpoints on the trail
Receive free challenge sticker once you return to the nature center or Clifty Inn
9 Lake Challenge (Chain O' Lake State Park)
5 Miles
Find brochure online
Take pictures at the 9 designated spots as you kayak through the 9 lakes at Chain O' Lakes State Park
Show photo to staff at park headquarters to receive sticker or purchase "I paddled the chain" merchandise
6 Ravine Challenge (Shades State Park)
4.4 miles
Find brochure online
Take pictures at all the ravines and stops along the trail outlined in the brochure
Receive sticker at Shades State Park Gatehouse or Turkey Run Nature Center
5 Mile Challenge (Turkey Run State Park)
5.5 Miles
Find the 5 Mile Challenge Brochure online
Follow the 5 mile trail taking pictures of the scenic points listed on the brochure
Return to the nature center for your sticker
10 Mile Challenge (Spring Mills State Park)
10 Miles
Hike all the trails in Spring mills state park
This can be done in more than one visit
Visit Friends of Spring Mill Park Facebook Page to purchase a shirt or sticker
Diana Dare Challenge (Indiana Dunes State Park)
1 Mile
Find trail map online
Learn about Diana and hike around her stomping grounds
Take Picture at selfie station along the trail and post with the hashtag #DianaDunesDare
Receive Sticker at Visitors Center
Until Next Time,
