As many of you know one of the most important things a person can carry while hiking beside water and food is their first aid kit. I'll start off by saying, I made my own first aid kit. I just wasn't sold on the ones that were pretty expensive at the stores. However, if you don't know where to start a basic first aid kit should give you an idea of what the essentials are. Being a nurse I have a lot of random medical supplies at home so that is where I started when creating my first aid kit. Also with that being said my first aid kit is probably a lot larger than most hikers so if you're going for a lightweight pack you might have to look elsewhere or really customize the pack to your needs specifically.
Here are my essentials in my first aid kit:
triangle bandage
Neosporin or something similar
Cortisone cream or some kind of anti itch cream/wipes
medical scissors
bandages of all sizes a couple of each
invisible bandaids
wet wipes
chapstick with SPF in it
Moleskin for blisters
sunscreen face stick
toilet paper
bug spray
a multi use knife
hand sanitizer
disposable mask
latex gloves
alcohol swabs
mini tube of sunscreen
Ibuprofen and Tylenol
black electrical tape is also something I substituted for regular duct tape, electrical tape comes in small rolls and is just as effective at $1 a roll, however I did find out they do sell mini folded duct tape just for hiking, but I felt you really don’t get much for the amount you pay for it.
I would also recommend taking any essential medication you cannot live without for 2 or 3 days
Until Next Time,
